A K Jensen Limited

Corporate Name
A K Jensen Limited
Home Country
United Kingdom
Services provided in Estonia
Service country Service name
SECTION A: Services
1(a) Reception and transmission, on behalf of investors, of orders in relation to one or more of the instruments listed in Section B
1(a) Transferable securities.
7. Foreign-exchange service where these are connected with the provision of investment services.
1(b) Execution of such orders other than for own account
SECTION B: Instruments
2. Money-market instruments.
3. Financial-futures contracts, including equivalent cash-settled instruments.
6. Options to acquire or dispose of any instruments falling within this section of the Annex, including equivalent cash-settled instruments. This category includes in particular options on currency and on interest rates.
SECTION C: Non-core services
Last changed: 03/02/2021 - 12:59