Finantsinspektsioon tegi uue koroonaviiruse leviku mõjude hindamiseks ja leevendamiseks tihedat koostööd Euroopa Keskpanga ühtse pangandusjärelevalvega (SSM) ja Euroopa Liidu ühtsete järelevalveasutustega - Euroopa Pangandusjärelevalve (EBA), Euroopa Kindlustus- ja Tööandjapensionide Järelevalve (EIOPA) ning Euroopa Väärtpaberiturujärelevalvega (ESMA). Siin on ühte kohta koondatud kõik Finantsinspektsiooni ja tema partnerite uudised, märgukirjad ja suunised, mis on selle teemaga seotud. Osa suunistest ja märgukirjadest kehtib tänaseni.
EIOPA consults on ORSA in the context of COVID-19 (23.12.20)
EBA provides additional clarity on the implementation of selected COVID-19 policies (21.12.2020)
EIOPA outlines key financial stability risks and vulnerabilities for insurance and pension sector and recommends that any dividend distributions should not exceed thresholds of prudency (18.12.20)
ECB asks banks to refrain from or limit dividends until September 2021 (16.12.2020)
- The EBA continues to call on banks to apply a conservative approach on dividends and other distributions in light of the COVID-19 pandemic (15.12.20)
The EBA reactivates its Guidelines on legislative and non-legislative moratoria (02.12.2020)
EU financial regulators assess risks to the financial sector after the outbreak of COVID-19 and call for enhanced cooperation (24.09.2020)
EBA phases out its Guidelines on legislative and non-legislative loan repayments moratoria (22.09.2020)
EBA updates its work programme for 2020 in light of the COVID-19 pandemic (17.08.2020)
EBA publishes guidance on impact of CRR adjustments in response to the COVID‐19 pandemic on supervisory reporting and disclosure (11.08.20)
EBA provides clarity on the implementation of the reporting and disclosure framework in the context of COVID-19 measures(07.08.20)
Finantsinspektsioon annab Euroopa Süsteemsete Riskide Nõukogu ja Euroopa Keskpanga soovituste alusel välja soovitusliku juhendi „Väljamaksete piiramine COVID-19 pandeemia ajal“ (03.08.20)
Euro area banking sector resilient to stress caused by coronavirus, ECB analysis shows (28.07.2020)
ECB extends recommendation not to pay dividends until January 2021 and clarifies timeline to restore buffers (28.07.2020)
ESMA recommends supervisory coordination on accounting for Covid-19 related rent concessions (21.07.2020)
- Supervisory Statement on the Solvency II recognition of schemes based on reinsurance with regard to COVID-19 and credit insurance (21.07.2020)
- EBA publishes overview of public guarantee schemes issued in response to the Covid-19 pandemic (21.07.2020)
- Statement on supervisory expectations on product oversight and governance requirements in the context of COVID-19 (14.07.2020)
EBA provides clarity on the implementation of the prudential framework in the context of COVID-19 (08.07.2020)
EBA extends deadline for the application of its Guidelines on payment moratoria to 30 September (18.06.2020)
EBA releases bank-by-bank data at the start of the COVID-19 crisis (08.06.2020)
EBA issues Guidelines to address gaps in reporting data and public information in the context of COVID-19 (02.06.2020)
Pandemic increases risks to financial stability (26.05.2020)
- EBA: COVID-19 is placing unprecedented challenges on EU banks (25.05.2020)
- ESMA calls for transparency on Covid-19 effects in half-yearly financial reports (20.05.2020)
- ESMA reminds firms of conduct of business obligations under MiFID II (06.05.2020)
- EIOPA revises its timetable for advice on Solvency II Review until end December 2020 (30.04.2020)
- EIOPA publishes weekly information for Relevant Risk Free Interest Rate Term Structures and Symmetric Adjustment to Equity Risk with reference to 21 April 2020 (24.04.2020)
- EBA provides further guidance on the use of flexibility in relation to COVID-19 and calls for heightened attention to risks (21.04.2020)
- Finantsinspektsioon annab pankadele suurema paindlikkuse kapitali juhtimisel (21.04.2020)
- ECB Banking Supervision provides temporary relief for capital requirements for market risk (16.04.2020)
- Questions and answers, ESMA Guidelines on Alternative Performance Measures (APMs) (17.04.2020)
- ESMA postpones publication dates for annual non-equity transparency calculations and quarterly SI data (9.04.2020)
- ESMA promotes coordinated action regarding benchmarks external audit requirements (9.04.2020)
- ESMA extends MiFID II/MiFIR transparency review report consultation to 14 June 2020 (9.04.2020)
- ESMA sets out supervisory expectations on publication of investment funds periodic reports (9.04.2020)
- Keskpank toetab riigi finantsseisu erakorraliselt suure osaga kasumist (07.04.2020)
- ECB announces package of temporary collateral easing measures (07.04.2020)
- Update on other measures impacted by COVID-19 pandemic (02.04.2020)
- EIOPA statement on dividends distribution and variable remuneration policies in the context of COVID-19 (02.04.2020)
- EBA publishes Guidelines on treatment of public and private moratoria in light of COVID-19 measures (02.04.2020)
- EIOPA urges insurers and intermediaries to continue to take actions to mitigate the impact of Coronavirus/COVID-19 on consumers (01.04.2020)
- An extraordinary challenge: SRB actions to support efforts to mitigate the economic impact of the COVID-19 outbreak (01.04.2020)
- ESMA provides clarifications for best execution reports under MiFID II (31.03.2020)
- EBA provides additional clarity on measures to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 on the EU banking sector (31.03.2020)
- ESMA confirms application date of equity transparency calculations (27.03.2020)
- ECB asks banks not to pay dividends until at least October 2020 (27.03.2020)
- ESMA issues guidance on financial reporting deadlines in light of COVID-19 (27.03.2020)
- Finantsinspektsioon soovitab laenuandjatel eriolukorras jääda vastutustundlikeks (26.03.2020)
- Eesti Pank langetab pankade kapitalinõudeid 110 miljoni euro võrra (25.03.2020)
- ESMA clarifies position on SFTR backloading (26.03.2020)
- EBA provides clarity to banks and consumers on the application of the prudential framework in light of COVID-19 measures (25.03.2020)
- EBA statement on the application of the prudential framework regarding Default, Forbearance and IFRS9 in light of COVID19 measures (25.03.2020)
- EBA statement on consumer and payment issues in light of COVID19 (25.03.2020)
- Further actions to support banks’ focus on key operations: postponed EBA activities (25.03.2020)
- ESMA issues guidance on accounting implications of COVID-19 (25.03.2020)
- EIOPA issues Recommendations on supervisory flexibility regarding deadlines of supervisory reporting and public disclosure by insurers (20.03.2020)
- ESMA extends consultations response dates (20.03.2020)
- ESMA sets out approach on MiFIR tick-size regime for Systematic Internalisers (20.03.2020)
- ESMA clarifies position on call taping under MiFID II (20.03.2020)
- ESMA issues positive opinions on bans on net short positions by BY BELGIAN FSMA AND GREEK HCMC (19.03.2020)
- ESMA sets out approach to SFTR implemenation (19.03.2020)
- ESMA issues positive opinion on short selling ban by FRENCH AMF (18.03.2020)
- ESMA issues positive opinion on short selling ban by ITALIAN CONSOB (17.03.2020)
- EIOPA statement on actions to mitigate the impact of Coronavirus/COVID-19 on the EU insurance sector (17.03.2020)
- ESMA requires net short position holders to report positions of 0.1% and above (16.03.2020)
- EBA statement on actions to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 on the EU banking sector (12.03.2020)
- ESMA recommends action by financial market participants for COVID-19 impact (11.03.2020)