Warning from CONSOB



The Commissione Nazionale per le Società e la Borsa (CONSOB) has ordered, pursuant to Article No. 36, paragraph 2-terdecies, of the Law-Decree No. 34/2019, (converted by Law No. 58/2019), to the providers of Internet connectivity services, the blackout of the website www.tradeatf.com, through which Hoch Capital Ltd, an investment company of Cypriot law, is violating the ban imposed on it by Consob on 5 December, pursuant to Article No. 7-quater, paragraph 4, of the Italian Legislative Decree No. 58/1998, to continue to provide investment services, to solicit and to acquire new customers in Italy as well (see newsletter "Consob Informa" No. 44/2019).

The aforementioned order of blackout was adopted pursuant to the new power recently attributed to Consob by the National Legislator pursuant to Article No. 4, paragraph 3-bis, of the Law-Decree No. 162 of 30 December 2019 (introduced by the Conversion Law No. 8 of 28 February 2020).

For technical reasons, it can take a few days for making effective the blackout of the website by the providers of Internet connectivity services.