CONSOB (Commissione Nazionale per le Società e la Borsa) has ordered black out of 5 new websites that abusively offer financial services illegally:
“TBMarket” (website https://tbmarket.co);
“Ahfultra” (website https://ahfultra.co and its page https://app.ahfultra.co);
“Forexelite Limited - Elite Trading Academy Limited” (website https://forexelite.trade and its page https://my.forexelite.trade);
“Top Markets Ltd e Imperialcap-24 Limited” (website https://imperialcap-24.com
and its page https://wt.imperialcap-24.com);
“PepperstoneTrade” (website www.pepperstoneltd.co and its page https://client.pepperstoneltd.co).