Warnings from Consob



Consob has ordered the blackout of 6 following new websites that abusively offer financial services/financial products: 5 abusive financial intermediation sites and 1 site through which financial products are offered without a prospectus:

- Stocket (website www.stocket.pro);
- LLCapitalFX (website https://llcapitalfx.cc and its page https://client.llcapitalfx.cc);
- RussellGroupFX (website https://russellgroupfxx.com and its pages https://webtrader.russellgroupfxx.com, https://wt.russellgroupfxx.com and https://client.russellgroupfxx.com)
- Aifmd (website https://aifmd.xyz and its page https://live.aifmd.xyz);
- LevictousLtd.co (website https://levictousltd.co and its page https://client.levictousltd.co); 
- Valemorelimited (website https://valemorelimited.com).

Consob has also suspended the offer to the public of financial products concerning the “Investment Plans” referred to as “Antipasto”, “Investitore” and “Super Investitore” (“Starter”, “Investor” and “Super Investor”) promoted by the so-called “Valemorelimited”, including via the website https://valemorelimited.com.